MB videos using website

How to submit videos ONLINE

** NOTE: that the process works best using a CHROME browser.**

Step One: click this link to be brought to Entourage Year Books website (http://link.entourageyearbooks.com)

Step Two: register for a login.  When you are logged in your name will show on the left hand side.

Step Three: Search for Oradell in the search bar and choose school ‘303 – Oradell Public School dk (2019)‘.  Then choose the upload button to upload video.


Step Four: Use the select file button to chose your video file; then add a brief description (including your child’s name for follow up purposes) and click upload.

Step Five: Successful uploads will result in a confirmation page with your detail displayed. 

**Please note that videos longer than 30 seconds require a YouTube based upload approach.  Please contact memorybook@oradellPTA.org for specific instructions.**
